Working with dashboards

A dashboard is an administrative tool that helps you arrange and view your most important reports in one window. You can view supplied dashboards, create new dashboards, modify existing dashboards, save dashboards as templates, copy existing dashboards, and delete dashboards.

Dashboards display user-configurable information about your environment in summary tables, reports, graphs, and trend charts that are referred to as widgets. Each widget is a separate configurable element within a given dashboard, so you can think of a dashboard as a container for widgets.

You can configure widgets to show the elements, scopes, and variables of most interest to you. Dashboards can contain one or more widgets and each dashboard can be tailored to show you exactly what you want to know about various aspects of your system. For example, you might require a summary view of your fastest growing clients. Creating a new dashboard allows you to edit and share this specialized view of your environment.

There are two types of dashboards you can create, public dashboards and private dashboards. A public dashboard is visible to administrators, other users, and guests while a private dashboard is only available for the creator.